I write this note in reply to a very important question, “Why does changeseems so challenging?”
“Change” is a fashionable word used in many quotes and corporate language. Deep down, few people truly understand the word “Change”. What is change? Why do I need to change?
We are all so convinced that whatever we do, it is the best for us. This belief or the passion of doing what we are doing, is so strong that we do not even feel the need to look for change. In fact, it is a contradiction, we need passion to excel, and it is the same passion, which does not allow us to change.
True change happens when we take a helicopter view (bird’s eye view) of our own self. We should reflect at our own selves. If we are able to see ourselves from a distance, observe our strengths and weakness, identify our true weakness, set a goal and work towards eliminating that weakness, we will change. This is one way of undergoing change.
Another way to change is to set goals for ourselves, and force a regime where we look at them daily with a view to change. A book called Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith talks about how successful people use a simple excel sheet to record areas that they want to change and monitor it daily to observe themselves changing.
Marshall Goldsmith is a coach for some of the most successful corporate leader in the world of business.The book just costs Rs. 250/- and I recommend that each one of us read it. This book could help you move towards not just a successful career but a happy and fulfilling life.
One more way of truly looking at change is to identify a mentor and use him as a mirror to reflect and change. It is important to note that your mentor should be the one who is already in the position that you want to be. Many a time we confuse mentorship with a friend, or a relative, or even our parents.
They may not know what you need to do to reach your goal. Hence it is important to be mentored by a person who you want to become. In my career, I have always looked up to my boss (or even his boss) as a mentor. Observe him closely and try and replicate his behaviorfor a change.
Writing all this down is so simple, but to do this, is so difficult. I would like to admit that change for me as an individual has been very difficult. It refuses to happen. We tend to revert back to our normal way of work. But to be successful, both in life and in work, change continuously. It’s challenging and that’s what makes life so interesting.
Like to end this with a quote by Socrates: The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
Mr. Juzer Kothari, Chairman, UPSPL.