Decision Making

Juzer S Kothari, Managing Director, Conserve Consultants
Chairman, UPSPL

I come across this question often – What made you start Conserve Consultants way back in 2005 when Green Buildings were unknown? How did you take that decision?
This question got me thinking on how did I make this decision?
Is success, in life and work, related to correct decision making?
The answer is an obvious, yes.
So, how do successful people make decisions?
Or how do correct decisions make people’s lives successful and happy?

In my experience,decisions can be made by considering any of these three factors.
1. Data
2. Opinion
3. Goal

Data:This point is often repeated in many business meetings. “Let’s decide based on data”. Both for businesses, as well as for personal decision making, going by past data is important. The examples to support this are numerous. Business processes are tracked for data and based on that, decisions are taken for their improvement. In our personal lives, our monthly expenses data is an important source of making investment decisions.

Opinion: Many a times we do not have adequate data, or are not able to understand what data we need to analyse. In such situations we seek opinions of our team members, friends, family, etc. as to what they would do when they have to take similar decisions. General opinions from sources like magazines, TV serials, movies, books, and so on, help us make decisions in the right direction.

Goal: You must set a passionate, forward looking goal for yourself. If this goal is important to you, then you will immerse yourself fully to achieve this.
My decision to start Conserve was from a goal perspective. I wanted to use my knowledge in energy efficiency and apply it to projects to make an impact on society. Green buildings just happened on this journey. At that time, there was no data or opinions on this subject to consult.

Decision making is very challenging both in our professional and personal lives. Many a time we decide based on gut feel or we just think it is the right decision. Never forget to run that decision through the above three filters to articulate to your own self as to why you are taking that decision.
Wishing you all a happy, fulfilling and successful life.


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