Successful Team

We all are aware about the importance of “Team” and “Team work”.
We are also aware that each one of us are a part of one or more teams in our professional career.

On many occasion we would have even indicated that team / team work not being there are a major cause for failure / problems faced by us.
Did we do anything constructively to overcome this problem?
Mostly the answer is yes but almost all the time it was limited to pointing the team mate to rectify / correct certain gaps faced.
We often forget to think why our team mates have allowed this gap to come into existence and not acted upon it to overcome the same. In the absence of this effort it just remains as feedback and sometime irritation to the team mate. Finally constructively nothing would have happened and the failure / problems would keep repeating and the whole team would get frustrated and breaks down.

To resolve this successfully what is needed?
Let us understand what is a team? A group of people putting together their act to achieve the destination as desired.
Here it is extremely important to know each team member’s role – not only self but our team mate’s also and the clear Goal along with constructive communication method on happenings towards the goal.

When it is understood by all of us, each one of us would get to know the short coming or additional gain by the act of one team mate before our action. This helps us to get ready to put in the additional effort as required and move towards the goal successfully.

We should always be remembering the goal in particular when we receive communication of short fall from the team mate rather than analyzing his / her effort towards the short fall.
We should also remember to communicate our short fall / gain situation out of our act, to the team mate to let them know the progress we have made towards achieving those goals.
Always remember to discuss with the team mate about the additional efforts required to be put in , towards achieving the goal and arrive at a constructive proceedings
Let us always focus the act / happenings and should never mind the individual with short fall to reach the goal. This increases the confidence and bonding of the team mates.
Let us always think about team mate’s career progression, as we think about our own, it would be very simple to communicate short fall and ensure the corrective measure to reach success.

To summarize which is a successful team?
The team that
1. Knows their Goals clearly with every team mate’s role play in it.
2. Communicates seamlessly about short fall / benefit of every individual act towards goal with constructive proceedings.
3. Focuses only on shot fall / gain not the individual
4. Minds the career growth of team mate as important as yours is the Successful Team.

– Athinarayanan, Director


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